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Welcome Baby packages contain necessities, not luxuries.

Each package contains the critical items needed to support a newborn’s healthy growth and development in the first four weeks of life, thereby reducing the physical, financial, and emotional consequences for low-income families.

Packages were developed in consultation with hospitals, clinics, health care providers, and mothers.

Package contents

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220 Diapers 240 Wipes 2 Rash Creams

200 Diapers
240 Wipes
2 Rash Creams

Baby Carrier

Baby Carrier

Grooming  Kit  Thermometer

Grooming Kit

2 Footie Pajamas 2 Leggings

2 Footie Pajamas
2 Leggings

3 Swaddle Blankets 5 Short-sleeve Onesies 4 Long-sleeve Onesies

2 Swaddle Blankets
3 Short-sleeve Onesies
3 Long-sleeve Onesies

Mittens, Socks & Hats Pacifiers

Mittens, Socks & Hats
Pacifiers, Baby’s first book

Baby Wash + Moisturizer  3 Bottles

Baby Wash + Moisturizer


Who receives the Welcome Baby package?

Welcome Baby serves women and families living below the poverty line who struggle to afford the most basic essentials on an ongoing basis.

Welcome Baby distributes newborn packages to Jacobi Medical Center, NYU Langone Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital, Southampton Hospital, Children’s Museum of the East End, the Acacia Network, Stony Brook Southampton Hospital, and the Northern Manhattan Perinatal Partnership, in New York; Stamford Hospital and Malta House in Connecticut; MVP Hub, Resource Mothers Program, and the Mahoning County Board of Health, in Ohio; Nurse Family Partnership in Schuykill County, Pennsylvania; IU Health Bloomington Hospital Nurse Family Partnership and Moms Heal Together in Indiana; Nurse Family Partnership in Glenwood Springs, Colorado; the Long Beach County Department of Mental Health, in California; the Jasmine Project and Nurse Family Partnership in Miami, Florida; and numerous other programs and institutions around the country.

Since 2018, we’ve provided almost 4,500 Welcome Baby packages to new mothers and babies through these care providers.

Hospital social workers and trained community health workers determine which women have the greatest need and distribute the Welcome Baby packages accordingly.

In the United States, more than 1 in 6 children under the age of 6 live in poverty and nearly half of those children live in extreme poverty. There is a critical - and growing - need for essential health and hygienic supplies, and Welcome Baby’s mission is to provide every newborn with these basic items.

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As problems arose with my newborn I just reached for the package


feedback from a Welcome Baby recipient

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